We are glad to note that you came to visit our website. I hope you have been enjoying our game so far and if you have not played it, you should dowload the game from Apple's app store. Just put PixelTouch in the search bar and it should pop up with Yipper on the screen.

About the creator

This game was created by Tyler Brown while he was chilling in his college dorm room. He was bored of nearly every game on the app store and decided to make his own game (Pixel-Touch) for his personal use. While he was sitting down on a bench playing it, his friend Brook Tesema noticed it and encouraged him to put it in the app store so everyone could enjoy the game. He hopes that eveyone gets the chance to play the game and enjoy it as much as he enjoyed making it.


Georgia Southern

Georgia Southern University is where Tyler Brown and Brook Tesema attend college. It is an amazing...
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